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50 Books Worth Reading This Year As Recommended by TED

January 17, 2015
Reading is definitely one of the things many have put in their new year’s resolution list. Depending on how you approach the act of reading and the vantage point from which you look at it, there are several kinds of readings: therapeutic reading, academic reading, fiction reading, non fiction reading ..etc.  Each of these types has its own purposes and affordances but generally speaking, reading is inherently life-enhancing and experience-enriching regardless of the medium you use to perform it be it electronic or paper based. Also, reading is a habit that can be developed through continuous practice. In fact, the secret behind building effective reading habits is consistency.

 A close look at the “ Daily Rituals, How Artists Work” reveals that most of the greatest minds of the past four hundred years used to make time for reading on a daily basis. They turned reading into a basic need that requires daily gratification. Making reading a daily ritual does not mean that you need to read two hours every day. It's great if you can but the thing is are you able to keep it? Your reading time should be reasonable and within your expectations otherwise you wont be able to keep at it. Schedule a flexible reading time and if it is only 15 minutes a day and done on a consistent manner throughout the year, it's better than intermittent and sporadic  reading-bursts separated by long intervals.

That being said,  and in the context of helping you materialize your reading plans for this new year, TED has this wonderful collection of 50 books curated from the reading recommendations of some world's leading thinkers. These books are arranged into different categories that include: creativity, medicine, math and stats, philosophy, language, history, happiness, design,Work, science and nature, politics and current events, mind and brain.  Have a look at the list and see if you find anything that picks your reading interest. Enjoy

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