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Acclaim- A Good Tool to Create Instructional Videos that Embed Comments and Annotations

January 31, 2015
Acclaim is a web platform for education which facilitates discussion around video content. It allows students and professors to share questions, notes, and feedback by inserting time-specific comments that link to moments in each video. Each comment is clickable, and once clicked, the video will jump to the specific moment that is being discussed. Students can see and respond to comments from the professor and other students at any time.

Users add videos to Acclaim in one of three different ways:

1) By embedding YouTube or Vimeo clips;
2) By uploading video files stored on a hard drive or mobile device; and
3) By using the built-in webcam feature to create and upload a video in real time.

Acclaim promotes student engagement by encouraging discussion in a responsive and asynchronous format.  Acclaim professors typically assign video content for viewing as homework, and ask students to share their thoughts and insights in the form of discussions with fellow classmates. In performance based-classes, such as dance, public speaking, and trial law, students may record themselves using the webcam feature, and receive precise feedback from professors and peers regarding specific moments of excellence, as well as points for improvement. Acclaim hones critical thinking, listening,  analytical and observational skills.

Acclaim  can also improve  class organization and student privacy. Within Acclaim, users can create secure folders based around class units and assignments, then grant access to  specific students or colleagues on a limited basis.  This built in privacy management can be reassuring to students with anxiety about their performance or concerns about public critique.

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