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Awesome Flowchart to Help You Select A Blogging Platform for Your Class

January 18, 2015
In an earlier post I shared here today I talked about some useful resources to help teachers set up and run a classroom blog. As a follow up, I am  sharing with you this awesome flowchart created by  GCF Learn Free which maps out and the popular blogging platforms you can select to host your classroom blog. This flowchart comes within a series of posts entitled “Blog Basics” that cover everything teachers need to know before embarking on an educational blogging experience. The series include : introduction to blogs, how to subscribe to blogs, developing your blog, choosing a blog service, writing and promoting your blog, and copyright and fair use.

The flowchart below will help you understand the affordances and technicalities of the different blogging platforms out there. If you haven’t yet made your mind about which blogging service to use with your students, you might want to peruse through this chart and see what works best for you.

You can check the original full size flowchart from this link.

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