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5 Good iPad Apps to Gather Students Feedback

February 4, 2015
A few weeks ago we published a list of  8 web tools teachers can use to formatively assess students. As you know, formative assessment consists of mini-quizzes and short tests geared towards gathering feedback about students learning. Teachers usually draw on insights gleaned from these assessments to inform their teaching and identify  opportunities for  further instruction.

For those of you who have already integrated iPad in their instruction, the apps below are worth considering. You can use them in class to gather feedback, run quick formative assessments, initiate instant question polls and many more. Most of these apps are also available for Android users.

1- Socrative for iPad/ Android

Engage, assess and personalize your class with Socrative. Educators can initiate formative assessments through quizzes, quick question polls, exit tickets and space races all with their Socrative app. Socrative will instantly grade, aggregate and provide graphs of results to help you identify opportunities for further instruction. Save time and visualize student understanding when it matters, now!

2- Nearpod for iPad/ Android

The Nearpod platform enables teachers to use their iPads to manage content on students' iPads, iPhones, iPods or Macs. It combines presentation, collaboration, and real-time assessment tools into one integrated solution.

3- Plickers for iPad/ Android

Plickers lets you poll your class for free, without the need for student devices. Just give each student a card (a "paper clicker"), and use your iPhone to scan them to do instant checks-for-understanding, exit tickets, and impromptu polls. Best of all, your data is automatically saved, student-by-student, at plickers.com.

4- BubbleSheet for iPad/ Android

BubbleSheet allows students to take assignments, tests, quizzes, and common formative assessments. Teachers can easily create and upload an assessment/assignment in any format (Word, PDF, etc) and deliver them automatically to the device.

5- iClicker for iPad/ Android

iClicker is a powerful formative assessment tool and intuitive student response system that allows for dynamic student-teacher interaction. Here is how it works: Instructors ask questions through any presentation application; students answer questions with a remote or smart device; instructors display results in real-time and
record responses.

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