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A Quick Way for Students to Hand in Their Google Drive Assignments and Papers

March 22, 2015
There are several ways students can use to turn in their assignments through Google Drive. The most popular of them all is through a shared folder. As a teacher you can create a shared folder on your Drive and invite students to join and submit their papers. You can learn more about Google Drive shared folders from this link.

However, if you are looking for a simpler and quicker way to enable students to turn in their assignments, Chalkup has the answer. For those of you not familiar with this tool, Chalkup is a powerful application integrated with Google Drive and which allows teachers and students to do a variety of things with their Drive including, annotating docs, sharing Drive files, grading papers, and many more. Chalkup also offers this handy feature that allows students to instantly turn in their assignments and papers they crated on Google Drive.To do so, they simply need to sign in to their Chalkup, and under "turn in your assignment" they click on "Upload from Google Drive" as is shown in the image below:

Watch this video to learn more about how Chalkup works.

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