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Some Very Good Teacher-recommended Tools for Teaching and Learning English

March 10, 2015
Looking for some online tools to augment your English language lessons? Here are a few teacher-recommended resources to consider. One even comes from a high school student who built something he needed, showing what motivated students can do if they have the right skills.

Created by a high school student, this free site finds correct spellings and definitions for any word in a document.
 Learn a language by watching a music video. Includes karaoke mode, quizzes, and fill-in-the-blanks.
A universal toolbar for any website or document (even Google Docs) that provides reading, writing, studying, and research support tools.
 Read six word stories from other people for inspiration. Then have your students write their own on a blog or shared Google Doc.

Want more? Check out these collections of tools.

High School English Apps 
This one is curated by high school English teacher Kelly Slattery.
This one is curated by instructional design administrator Kimberly Turley.

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