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The Land of Venn : A Math Game to Enhance Kids Geometric Skills

March 30 , 2015
Math games can too often present the learning goal as an obstacle to overcome. Shooting aliens to solve fractions is an example.  The result is a moment of fun punctuated by the chore of performing a task.  In other words, the game actions—or core mechanics—do not match the educational goal.  This is chocolate-covered broccoli.

The Land of Venn is an ingenious geometry game that aligns learning to fun.  It smartly avoids being “edutainment” by putting play first.  It is a universal mobile application in which you draw lines and shapes to learn about lines and shapes.  The narrative, which is silly and amusing (as is the catchy music), is a tower defense game.

By performing the actions of geometry, players internalize the concepts.  It is a clear example of constructivist learning—learning by doing.  For example, children  connect points (each point is a different enemy) to draw an isosceles triangle.  As a result, confidence in abstract mathematical concepts is built as mastery of levels is met.

Watch this video to learn more about The Land of Venn

By :Matthew Farber
Matthew Farber teaches social studies at Valleyview Middle School, in Denville, New
Jersey, and is currently a Doctoral Candidate in Educational Technology Leadership at
New Jersey City University. Look for his book, Gamify Your Classroom: A Field Guide to 
Game-Based Learning, and follow him on Twitter @MatthewFarber.

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