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Some Good EdTech Tools to Use in Class

April 24, 2015
Sometimes the right tool can help augment your classroom or make a tedious chore a little bit easier. Here are some utilities that teachers have been talking about. Perhaps one of these may reduce some hassle from your day too.

1- Sway 
 A new online presentation creator from Microsoft that is getting attention from the education community.

2- appear.in 
Create video chats with colleagues and students easily, no account needed.

3- LearnCube 
 Set up virtual classrooms to teach languages online.
Helps nursery schools keep parents up-to-date on the progress of their children.

5- Permission Click 
Digital permission slips, payment, and data collection for K-12 schools (and daycares too!) 30 day free trial!

Want more? Check out these collections of tools .

Apps For the Classroom -
This is curated by educator Charissa Hoff.
This one is curated by educator Taylor Hansen.

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