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4 Excellent News Resources for Young Kids

May 3, 2015
Great Websites for Kids is an excellent platform that reviews websites geared towards kids up to age 14. The reviews are carried out by members of the Association for Library Service to Children which is a division of the American Library Association. The websites reviewed are organized into eight categories: social sciences, sciences, reference desk, mathematics and computers, literature and languages, history and biography, arts, and animals. We have spent sometime browsing through these collections and we found them really wonderful for elementary teachers.  Here are some examples of some very good websites that kids can use to access content, news and events written specifically for them. These websites are featured  in the category Social Sciences under the tab News and Current Events:

1- DOGOnews
“With thousands of articles on topics ranging from Science and Social Studies to International current events, DOGOnews exposes kids to the world around them and helps develop vocabulary and reading skills.
Every article features:

  • Categorization by Grade level
  • Key words highlighted and linked to definitions
  • Places highlighted and linked to maps
  • Lesson Plan suggestions for Common Core State Standards, National Academy of Sciences and National Council of Social Studies curriculum standards”

2- CNN Student News

This is a portal created by the popular news outlet CNN. It features a wide variety of news and articles particularly designed for use in middle and high school classrooms.

3- Scholastic News for Your Classroom

This is another excellent platform created by Scholastic to provide kids and young learners with an educational dose of daily news and current events.

4- Time for Kids

“TIME For Kids is a weekly classroom news magazine that motivates kids to read! Issues cover a wide range of real-world topics kids love to learn about - and it's the best nonfiction text you'll find! “

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