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5 Great TED Talks on How to Present Before An Audience

May 8, 2015
Presenting in front of a large (or small) audience is not always an easy task especially for those of us who are not used to public speaking. It does take so much practice, rehearsals, and perseverance to build the skills required for delivering successful presentations. Also, with practice comes confidence and self-esteem which are two important components in the psyche of a skilful presenter.

If you are preparing to give a presentation or are planning to hold a public speaking event, the TED talks below are definitely a must watch. They will help you learn to speak more confidently in front of an audience and introduce you to some eye-opening tips about public speaking. From insights on how to make an effective use of your body language to pieces of advice on how to speak empathically and engage listeners in your presentation, these talks are a very good place to start building your public speaking persona. Enjoy

1- How to speak so that people want to listen by Julian Treasure

3- How I beat stage fright by Joe Kowan

4- Talk nerdy to me by  Melissa Marshall

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