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3 Excellent Google Sheets Tools to Enhance Teachers Workflow

July 8, 2015
Here are three good Google Sheets add-ons to ease off your workflow and boost your productivity.Some of the things you can do with these apps include: adding columns and rows with a single click, manage feedback and grading for students, and create PDF and shared documents from spreadsheet data.

1- autoCrat

‘Flexible, easy to use document merge tool that creates PDF or shared Documents from spreadsheet data.Automates the creation and sharing of personalized (e.g. merged) Google Docs or PDF email attachments from columns of data in a Google Sheet.’

2- Add Rows & Columns

With this add-on, you no longer have to add rows and columns one at a time. Just select a cell, select the menu option under "Add Rows & Columns", and add any number of rows or columns with a single click.

3- Doctopus

‘Doctopus gives teachers the ability to mass-copy (from a starter template), share, monitor student progress, and manage grading and feedback for student projects in Google Drive.’

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