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TED Launched A New Platform Called OpenTed

July 21, 2015
TED has recently launched an experimental new platform called OpenTED to encourage and discover ideas. OpenTED is basically a novel initiative that invites people to create and share videos explaining a central idea. As OpenTed stated,

Ideas can be grand and global (let’s solve climate change!) or individual and personal (here’s how to use a paper towel). An idea might offer a new, bold, big-picture way of looking at the world: a broad call for tolerance, a flipped view of human behavior, a breakthrough in the lab that will change our lives. Or it could offer a new way of thinking at micro scale — a new take on a small behavior we do every day, or a new way to get through the workday
Best submissions will be selected for a possible inclusion as an official TED talk of the day. You can either share videos you have created yourself or someone else’s videos provided the video does not flout TED’s terms and conditions. Deadlines for submission to this project is Thursday, October 15th, 2015. Check out this page to learn more about OpenTED.

Courtesy of LarryFerlazzo.

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