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Office Mix- An Excellent Free Tool for Creating Interactive Flipped Lessons

August 14, 2015
After we have seen how to easily create educational posters using PowerPoint, today we are  sharing with you another free handy tool from Microsoft called Office Mix. This is basically an add-in for PowerPoint that allows you  to create and share interactive online lessons. You  can record yourself talking through your lessons, add drawings and images to your slides, and embed interactive features such as quizzes and polls. Upon sharing your interactive slides with students, you will also get to see who watched it and get assessment reports on how they did on quizzes. You will even know which slide they spent more time staring at.

Here are some useful video tutorials  from Microsoft in Education to help you learn more about how to use Office Mix in your class:

1- Create Virtual Science Experiments in Office Mix

2- Insert Quizzes to Check Knowledge in Office Mix Lessons

3- Flip your Classroom by Creating Office Mix Lessons

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