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New Excellent Grading Features in Google Classroom

December 16, 2015
Google Classroom released yesterday a number of important new features most of which revolve around helping teachers save time while grading. Besides the new grading improvements, Classroom has also added some useful functionalities to enhance its overall performance. For instance, teachers can now post questions using the Classroom Share Button from within a number of websites that are actually integrated with Google Classroom. There is also the possibility to re-use materials from previous classes. Additionally, the  comments and replies have now a cleaner look and new icons have been added to Classroom on the web to ‘help differentiate items in the stream’.
google classroom updates

 Let us now have a quick look into the new grading features added to Google Classroom:

1- Export Grades to Google Sheets
With this update teachers are able to export grades directly to Google Sheets.

2-Easier to update grade point scale
Now it’s easier than before for teachers to change the grading scale to any point value they want.

3- Keyboard navigation for entering grades
Classroom introduced some handy keyboard tips to help you quickly navigate student grades. You can use the up and down ‘arrows to move directly from the grade entry area for one student to another.’

4-‘Sort by name on grading page: 
In addition to sorting students by completion status (done, not done), you can now sort by first or last name.’

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