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Two Excellent Google Classroom Charts for Students

January 28, 2016
Google Classroom is one of the best educational platforms that is widely used by teachers and students. A couple of months ago, Google released some amazing stats about its usage stating millions of assignments have been created and submitted through it and counting a steady surge in the numbers of registrations among teachers and educators. The educational potential of this platform is huge and many teachers are now using it to to facilitate their workflow and enhance students learning. Google Classroom is absolutely an essential component of paperless classrooms.  Our Classroom section here in EdTech and mLearning features a number of key resources and materials to help you learn more about how to integrate Google Classroom in your instruction. In today's post we are sharing with you this handy chart we designed based on Classroom Help page. The chart embeds some interesting Classroom resources for both teachers and students.  We invite you to check them out and share with your colleagues. Enjoy

For Teachers

For Students

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