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Here Is An Excellent Interactive Tool to Use in Reading and Writing Activities

March , 2016
Readwritethink is an excellent provider of free educational interactives to use with your students  in class. We have already reviewed a number of these interactives in previous posts and today we are adding another interesting tool called Graphic Map. This is a great web-based tool to help students in their writing and reading activities. Students can use it to create a visual presentation of high and low points for items related to chapters in a book, scenes in a play, time something happened, money spent or received and many more. You can use Graphic Map in your class for a variety of purposes including : ‘ as a prewriting activity, as students map ideas for an autobiography; as a postreading activity, as students map the significance of events in a story; and as a reflection and assessment activity, as students map the high and low points of their inquiry process.’

Graphic Map is simple and easy. Here is how to use it: Click on ‘Get Started’ and type in the title of your graphic and your name and click on ‘next’. Choose from the list the items you want to add then select one of the four options on how you want to rate your items. Next, add a description to your entry and , if you want, choose a picture  to illustrate your items. Click on ‘Add an Entry’ on top of the page to add more entries. When your graphic is ready click on ‘Finished’ and print it.

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