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Some Excellent Digital Activities to Wrap Up The School Year

May 2 , 2016
The end of this school year is approaching quickly and just like every  teacher at this time of the year,  you might be thinking laboriously about ideas and activities to use to wrap up this school year. Below are some good suggestions to try out. These are digital activities you can utilize in class to engage students in creative tasks centered around ways to reflect upon and document their learning.

1- Create Memory Books
Here are some digital tools to help you and your students create memory books :
Use Google Docs or any other word editor that you and your students are familiar with. We prefer Google Docs because it has an integrated feature that allows you to convert  documents into PDFs with a single click. Once converted you can then upload and turn your PDF into a nice looking book using one of these tools:
2- Create educational posters
This is a good way for you and your students to highlight and capture those memorable events that marked the ending schoolyear. Here are some good tools to use for this purpose:
3- Bulletin Boards
Use the tools below to invite students to contribute in creating a class board where everyone gets to share what they learned .
4-  Gather students Feedback
One important way to inform your teaching practice is through insights coming out of students feedback. There are many tools to use to collect feedback and poll your students. Below are some of our favourites:
5- Create digital portfolios
Invite your students to create portfolios to showcase what they have learned during the school year. Below is a collection of some good tools to use in this direction:
6-Create a photo scrapbook
Students love scrapbooking and this could be a fun activity for them. Pick a tool from the list below and show them how they can use it to create a pic collage or photo scrapbook featuring pictures from previous field trips,  class events...etc
7- Create short movies
Use the tools below to show students how to create a short video clip in which they highlight ideas like : what they learned during this school year, reasons why they need to transition to another higher grade, and probably even give pieces of advice to future students .
8- Slideshows 
Here are some very good tools students can use to create presentations wrapping up their school year. 
This is an updated version of the post we published last year.

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