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10 Great Academic Search Engines for Research Students

December 23, 2016
Niche-specific content is usually not readily available through regular generic search engines. One example is the academic and scholarly content. While running a  search query about an academic topic through a generic search engine such as  Google would probably render fairly decent results, it, however, usually takes digging into so much fluff before finally landing on relevant results. This is where having access to topic-specific search engines comes in handy. Such search engines do not only provide specific content tailored to the topic under study but their content is more likely to be reliable and authoritative. To this end, we have compiled this list of excellent academic search engines that teachers, student researchers and academics can use to quickly locate and access scholarly works and publications. We have only included what we believe are the most relevant and popular titles out there. If you have other suggestions to add to the list please share with us on our Facebook page. Enjoy

10 Great Academic Search Engines for Research Students

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