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Best Educational iPad Apps of 2016

December 27, 2016
If you are using or planning to use iPads in your instruction, chances are you are already spending time searching for apps with educational potential to try out with students. Admittedly, such a search can be time-consuming and sometimes even frustrating given the over-abundance of apps in iTunes app store. Our job here in EdTech ad mLearning is to search for those apps you might want to include in your instruction and aggregate them in such a way that you find it super easy to access them all from a single place saving you some precious time to use on other tasks. Below is an example of a resource we created last year featuring some of the best iPad apps for teachers and students. We invite you to check out and probably bookmark it for later use. Enjoy

Presentation Apps
Screencasting Apps
Video creation Apps
File storage Apps
Whiteboard Apps
PDF annotation Apps
Audio Recording Apps
Notetaking Apps
Blogging Apps
Book creation Apps
Comic Strips Apps
Digital Storytelling Apps
Apps for Grading
Mindmapping Apps
Portfolio Apps
Apps for Creating Posters
Apps for Creating Timelines
Apps for Creating Word Clouds
Speech to Text Apps

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