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7 New EdTech Tools for Teachers

January 9, 2017
Below is a collection of some good educational web tools we are featuring here in EdTech and mLearning for the first time.  Some of the things you can do with these tools include: collaboratively create digital stories, download and share inspirational quotes, develop kids nonfiction reading skills required for Common Core, curate and share digital content, access collections of top ranked books organized by categories and many more.

1- History Simulation

HistorySimulation.com has interactive simulations and engaging PowerPoint/Keynote Presentations. Mr. Harms is a practicing History Teacher that has developed history simulations for The American Civil War, European Imperialism, WWI, WWII and The Cold War. In these simulations, students are assigned roles as world leaders and given objectives that mirror the national interests of those countries. Guided by these objectives, students conduct diplomacy, negotiate with other countries and develop strategies. This creates a dynamic classroom where students are self-motivated to be engaged as they are confronted with complex situations and difficult decisions. With new Online Platforms, these simulations are easier than ever to administer for teachers and an even better experience for students. Mr. Harms also develops engaging presentations in both PowerPoint and Keynote Platforms. These presentations include concepts, critical thinking questions and powerful animations to help students remember complex ideas and historical situations.

2- Story Wars

‘Story Wars is a unique way of both reading and writing collaborative stories.You write the first chapter. Anyone can submit a draft for the second chapter. You can vote for the best next chapter. The next chapter will be the one with the most votes and the next chapter after that will be based on the voted-in chapter.’

3- KeepQuoting

‘KeepQuoting provides free platform which lets people post their own quotes in their own language and prepare complete archive of their quotes which can be shared on social media and also can be downloaded in the most easiest and beautiful way possible.’

4-Core Clicks

‘Core Clicks is the yearlong digital reading program from the creators of Scholastic News and Weekly Reader. Designed for grades K–5, Core Clicks combines highly engaging nonfiction with powerful interactive instruction to build close-reading skills. Through multiple encounters with each incredible text, your students will develop the nonfiction reading skills required by Common Core and other higher academic standards. Best of all, this digital instructional program was built to work with your school’s existing technology, whether you use interactive whiteboards, computers, or tablets!’

5- WebReels

‘Curate collections — we call them WebReels — of websites, documents, videos, PDFs, and more. Picture a Google Drive or a Dropbox folder, but social. What makes us different is our fully interactive community. WebReels can be searched, filtered, shared, rated, commented on, and even sold’

6- Bookcelerator

‘Bookcelerator ranks the top books that will make you smarter by compiling upvotes from Product Hunt, reviews from Amazon and GoodReads, reading time etc.’

7- Elink

This is a web tool that allows you to ‘collect & Share Web Content in Minutes. You can use it to turn web links into visually appealing newsletters, web pages and website embeds.’

Product Hunt
Scoop.it page of Tom D’Amico

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