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Reading and Writing in 21st Century Classrooms (Book)

March 19, 2017
The book we picked out for you for this week is authored by Nancy Frey and Douglas Fisher and titled "Literacy 2.0: Reading and Writing in 21st Century Classrooms". In this work,   Fisher and Frey, authors of the popular Teach Students to Read Like Detectives, approach the concept of literacy in the light of the recent developments in the world of technology and digital media. Literacy 2.0 is an incarnation of the pervasive ethos of what is known as web 2.0 or what Tim O'Reilly called the social web.

literacy 2.0, as the authors argue, is not a 'departure from literacy 1.0 nor is it a replacement of it; literacy 2.0 represents a shift, one that is built on and extends the major notions embedded in literacy 1.0.
Literacy 2.0 doesn’t make literacy 1.0 obsolete. Similar to new versions of software programs, literacy 2.0 builds on the operating system of literacy 1.0. Literacy 2.0 assumes that students learn vocabulary, comprehension, creative and critical thinking, writing, and so on but that they do so in different venues. In other words, literacy 2.0 is the next version of literacy, rather than an update. And literacy 2.0 requires knowledge of 21st century skills, especially those related to collaboration, creativity, listening and viewing, and sharing, locating and storing information. (Kindle location, 190)

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