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Here Is An Indispensable Gmail Feature for Teachers

December 9, 2015
The strength of Gmail lies in the multiple interesting features it provides to its users. Gmail Tips section here in EdTech and mLearning embeds reviews of some of these features. In today’s post, we are adding another excellent Gmail tip to use especially with your students. Gmail Contact Group allows you to organize your contacts into different groups so you can easily send emails to specific set of people. As a teacher, you can create a contract group for each of your classes and this way you can email all the students in a single class by simply selecting their group. Here is how to create a contact group as featured in Gmail Help:

1- "Click Gmail at the top-left corner of your Gmail page, then choose Contacts.
2- Select contacts that you want to add to a group, click the Groups button. , then Create new.

3-Enter the name of the group.
4- Click OK.

To add contacts to a contact group:

1-Select the contacts in the Contacts list.
2- Click the Groups button.
3- Select the group you'd like to add the contact to, or select Create new to create a new group.
If you have multiple addresses saved for a contact, you can choose which address should belong to the contact group by opening the contact and clicking the small arrow next to the group you'd like to modify."

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