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Stanford's Cantor Arts Center Offers Free Access to Over 45.000 of its High Quality Art Images

December 3, 2015
Stanford’s Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Centre for Visual Arts has finally finished its digitization project which lasted for five years in which the centre’s staff re-photographed over 45.000 of its artistic works.This huge collection of arts objects is now available online as high quality digital images. The purpose according to Connie Wolf, director of the Cantor Arts Centre,  huh is to ‘make sure that scholars, researchers and students have access to them {meaning} that they can do searches, they can look at these objects, they can think about them for their own research. They can know where these materials are. They can make comparisons and they can really allow this material to really inform their thinking, their scholarship and their studies’.

Some of the selections feature n the Center’s collections include: American and European Art; Africa, Native American and Oceanic Art, Standford Family Collections, Modern and Contemporary Art, Prints, Drawings and Photographs; and Asian Art. Materials in the Cantor Arts Centre is protected by copyright and international conventions and written permissions from copyright holders are required for reproduction of any images.

Watch the video below to learn more about this project

Courtesy of Open Culture

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