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15 Excellent YouTube Channels for Language Teachers and ESL Learners

January 13, 2017
YouTube hosts a treasure trove of excellent educational content that speaks to the learning needs of a wide variety of audiences. Some of this content is created by dedicated teachers and educators who took it upon themselves to promote learning beyond the traditional walls of their classrooms. For instance, in the area of English language learning, there are numerous language teachers (including EFL and ESL) who have set their own YouTube channels and provide video lessons covering almost everything related to language learning. Today's post highlights some of these channels. The purpose is to provide language teachers with relevant  video resources that they can use in their instruction in class.  Check out the list below and share with us your feedback in our Facebook page.

1- BBC Learning English

BBC Learning English provides ‘great grammar, drama, news, study, pronunciation, vocabulary, music, interviews and celebrity videos.’

2- Best of Learning English

Another good channel that provides video lessons covering different topics related to English learning. the playlists include: The English We Speak, 6 Minute Vocabulary and Grammar, English at Work…

3- BBC Learning English Listening Skills

‘Listening English Everyday with BBC Learning English Listening Skills channel. The program focuses on listening and speaking skills, Besides, you also learned grammar and vocabulary.’

4- Daily English Conversation

Daily English Conversation offers video lessons to help English learners enhance their speaking skills and English grammar.

5- English Kids TV

‘English And Kids Channel teaches Children English as a Second Language (ESL) and is a fun and effective way to Learn English online. It uses cartoons, songs, funny skits, and more. Ideal for ages 3 -10.’

6- Speak English With Misterduncan

‘English lessons aimed at everyone. Train your ears to listen to the English language. Live streams featuring new English words and sentences. There is nothing better than listening to English live and direct. You will also have the chance to chat live through the YouTube Chatbox. It's all about the English. Your Home for listening to and interacting with Misterduncan in England...LIVE!’

7- EF podEnglish

‘Learn English with EF podEnglish, bite-sized 5 minute English lessons. Perfect for beginners, intermediate and advanced students, these video lessons are as good as having an English teacher in your pocket! Created by EF, the world's largest language school with over 400 schools in 50 countries worldwide.’

8- JenniferESL

JenniferESL channel hosts over 400 videos on ESL covering different topics including writing, grammar, punctuation, phrasal verbs and many more.

9- English with Lucy

Lucy provides a wide variety of learning tips to help English language learners  build their confidence and speak English without feeling nervous or anxious.

10- Learn English with Steve Ford

‘High quality English lessons from basic to fluency levels taught by Steve Ford’

11- KidsTV123

‘Songs for children. Kids songs. Educational songs and videos for children, toddlers and babies.’

12- VOA Learning English

‘Learn American English and much more with captioned news reports that are read at a slower speed’

13- Fluency MC

Fluency MC helps English learners improv their speaking and listening skills through songs performed by a language teacher and rapper from the United States.

14- EnglishAnyone

‘Learn the real, conversational English native speakers actually use with tons of great videos!’

15- Rachel's English

‘Improve your American Accent / spoken English at Rachel's English with video-based lessons and exercises. ’

  15 Excellent YouTube Channels for Language Teachers and ESL Learners

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